Thanks to everyone for coming out to Pete's Candy Store this past month. It was a blast playing music with David Berger, Joey Johnson, Brent Arnold, Jon Levy, and Ian Colletti. A special high-five goes out to Brian Zegeer for adding his "Pull My Daisy" real-time visuals the last night of the residency. Also, thanks so much to Pete's Candy Store for making this possible. See you all at the next show:)
I compose music for banjo, vocals and electronic instruments i.e. analog synthesizer, and sampler. The challenge lies in exploring electronically produced sounds that match the nature of acoustic timbres and vice versa. When this is realized in the context of a song or composition all sorts of ideas open up. I also like to leave room for improvisation and new interpretations in the music. This way things don't get too strict and codified. For more info please visit